Force Control Room webchat: Have you got what it takes to join the team? | Harrogate Informer

Force Control Room webchat: Have you got what it takes to join the team?

11 July 2012

North Yorkshire Police is hosting a webchat this week with a focus on the nerve-centre of policing activity in the county – the Force Control Room.

People with an interest in working in the York-based facility are urged to take part in the webchat with Jane Larkin, the Force Control Room Manager, from 6pm to 7pm on Thursday 12 July 2012 – just go to and send your questions.



The force is currently looking to recruit eight Communications and Crime Recording Officers for an intake starting in November 2012, however a holding list of successful applicants will also be generated from this campaign for potential future intakes.  The closing date for applications on 18 July 2012.

Jane Larkin said:

The webchat is an excellent opportunity for potential recruits to ask questions about how the Force Control Room operates and to get a better understanding of what the Communications and Crime Recording Officer role requires.

This role is absolutely crucial in delivering the most effective and efficient policing service possible. It is about responding to people in emergency situations and often when life is in danger. We need people who can keep a cool head and make the right decisions under pressure. There is also the responsibility of accurately logging incidents and crimes onto force computer systems.

If you think you are suitable for this challenging but very fulfilling role, please take the time to take part in the webchat on Thursday at 6pm. I look forward to answering your questions and hopefully some of you will be joining our team in the Force Control Room.

For more information about the Force Control Room, plus application details for the Communications and Crime Recording Officers vacancies, please go to the North Yorkshire Police website page

If you are unable to get online, please call the force’s HR department on (01609) 789642.


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