Richard Cook

Charity fundraising goes to new heights

28 June 2012

Richard CookRichard Cook from Harrogate has taken corporate fundraising to new heights.

Having recently returned from trekking to Everest Base Camp, Richard is now planning to scale the summits of Mount Blanc, Abu Dablam and Everest, in a bid to raise over £150,000.

Richard has sponsored The Funzi and Bodo Trust in Kenya since 2006, donating between £20 – 30k each year from his company, TransGlobe Strategic Solutions Limited. With the changes in the economic climate, Financial Services professional Richard, aims to exceed this level of support through active fundraising challenges.

Funzi and Bodo are two poverty stricken villages at risk from serious illness through the lack of basic sanitation, hygiene and medical facilities. The Funzi and Bodo Trust works with the community to improve their standards of living by providing healthcare and educational facilities. Since his involvement with the charity, Richard has helped finance a new health clinic, the provision of road and water ambulances and the re-build of two schools.

His trek to Everest Base Camp in April has raised over £5,000 so far, which will go a long way towards the £20,000 needed to pay for a vital new Birthing Centre. Currently women are forced to give birth on mud floors, with the real risk of fatal infection to both mother and baby. In a bid to save unnecessary fatalities, the Funzi and Bodo Trust plans to build a safe, clean maternity area stocked with all the equipment needed for a safe delivery, and train local women to act as midwives.

Not content with the daily demands of planning the financial affairs of his clients, Richard has set his sights on the challenge of conquering three of the worlds’ highest peaks. With support from expert climber Kenton Cool at Dream Guides, Richard is now in training to reach the summits of Mount Blanc, the highest in Europe at 4,800 metres, Ama Dablan (6,850 metres) and finally Everest itself at 8,850 metres. Richard’s announcement comes after a controversial season on Everest this year, with a record 11 deaths. Minimal snow fall, warm temperatures and high winds have contributed to failing oxygen and other altitude related illnesses.

Richard said:

This quest will be one of the hardest things I have ever done, but the real courage is shown by the people of Funzi and Bodo who have to battle hardship and personal challenges every day.

I have now made it my own personal crusade to reach these summits, one each year until 2015, with the intention of raising at least £150,000 for the Funzi and Bodo Trust.

Richard’s quest will be documented on and

If you wish to support the people in Funzi and Bodo with a donation, please visit


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