
Scouts get ready for the St George’s day parade this Sunday

21 April 2012

scoutsHundreds of Scouts and Guides, Cubs and Brownies, Rainbows and Beavers will take to the streets of Harrogate this weekend for a parade to celebrate the youth movement founded by Baden Powell.

Numbers have grown in North Yorkshire, with 160 more young people now enrolled in the county than at the same time last year – half of them from the Harrogate district.

In all, 1,300 young people take part in weekly activities in North Yorkshire.

Around 650 young people will gather at St Aidan’s School on Sunday (April 22) before setting off at 2 pm, marching to a service at Christ Church on The Stray.

Harrogate District Commissioner, Mark Turner said:

You often hear or read about the short-comings of the so-called ‘X Box generation’ but the parade helps to underline there is just as much good in young people today as there has always been.

The aim of the Scouting movement is to encourage young people to develop their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals and citizens – and the fact there is an increasing appetite for membership suggests young people are still interested in adventure in the great outdoors.

However, growing numbers means we’re on the lookout for more new leaders and we would be very interested to hear from adults who may be interested in volunteering as leaders, sharing their experience and enthusiasm for learning new skills.

More information about becoming a Scout leader is available by telephoning 01845 523858 or online at


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