Goose Green

The Battle of Goose Green – a talk by the man who lead the final attack

20 February 2012

Goose Green

2012 is the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War. Tension is mounting in the South Atlantic with the deployment of Prince William to the Falklands, and the approach of the 30th anniversary of the Argentinean invasion on 2 April.

The first major land battle of the war was the ferocious Battle of Goose Green fought on the 28-29th May 1982. To mark the anniversary of this historic and close fought battle, Yorkshire-born former Parachute Regiment officer Peter Kennedy, who led the final attack at Goose Green, will give a talk at the Harrogate Theatre in Harrogate on Tuesday 29 May.

All money raised will be given to three military charities – Help for Heroes, The Royal British Legion, and The Parachute Regiment Charity.

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