Emmerdale star visits the human mannequins

27 October 2011

Jason, Emma and Ben

Emmerdale star Emma Atkins has visited the human mannequins on Parliament Street in Harrogate.

Emma has played Charity Dingle then becoming Charity Tate following a wedding in the show.

Ben Davis and Jason Odle with their company VIDA Media are raising money for Saint Michaels Hospice by spending a week locked in a shop window. They entered the window on Sunday 23rd Oct at 6pm and are due to exit at 6pm on Sunday 30th Oct.

Emma talked to Ben and Jason on their intercom phone before being invited to join them in the window.

Emma on the intercomEmma said:

I am really impressed with what Ben and Jason are doing and am going to take a T-shirt away so the Emmerdale cast can sign for it to be auctioned when they come out,

I am also going tell all my friends and the other Emmerdale actors to donate!


Earlier in the night local singer Rob Reynolds kept the crowds entertained by playing a long set to the appreciative crowds. Rob was in the shop window with Ben and Jason with a PA system run to a speaker on the street.

The evening on its own raised over £600 to their target with  around £5,000. While we were with them, Harrogate’s Bespoke cakes donated £250.

Ben and Jason are due to leave the window on Sunday but are still looking for more support. They would like more business advertisers for the displays in the window, cash donations and auction items for the party when they come out.


Rob Reynolds plays the shop window


Ben (pictured below right with Rob) said:

The week has gone well so far, it’s a bit strange with waking up with people watching you.

I thought we would get a bit bored but the day literally doesn’t stop from the moment it starts.

Their neighbours, Alberts Bar will be hosting a party on Sunday when they complete the change – all are welcome to go along.

As the week progresses the event is gathering more attention and will be going out live on ITV regional news this evening from 6pm – the film crew will also be with them this afternoon (27 Oct).

Rob Reynolds plays the shop windowJason said:

We would love to have a huge crowd at 6pm when it goes out live – come and support us Harrogate!

The TV crew will be with us during part of the afternoon too.

Ben added:

It was a surprise to get a call from the ITV News, but a very nice surprise.

We would like to thank everyone for their support so far and are hugely grateful for all the donations that we have received.

Please keep the donations and auction prizes coming though.

JK from Jamiroquai is also in Town and due to visit them during the next day – there are a lot of people very excited about that. It could happen at any time.


To donate www.justgiving.com/shopwindow

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