The Harrogate and District Allotment Federation raised £1200 from its annual allotment show held in the Valley Gardens in August. The cash was raised from a variety of stalls which spread the length of the Sun Colonnades and included an excellent raffle and the ever popular cake stall.
Members of the Federation decided this year that the funds raised should go towards the Tidy Gardens Group. Based at Stonefall Cemetery, Tidy Gardens Group members are people with learning difficulties who give an excellent basic garden maintenance service to a number of elderly residents and communities in the Harrogate area.
Secretary of the Allotment Federation, Clive Pickles, pictured second from left, is seen presenting this garden themed cheque to Tidy Gardens Group members. He added:
Our 51st annual allotment show was spectacular and I am so pleased with the amount of money we raised. I understand that Tidy Gardens will be buying some specialist tools and replacing some that are past their best. These tools are very expensive to buy and good tools do make gardening a bit easier. They do an excellent job and the Federation is delighted to help this very worthy cause which brings much benefit to the community.