Excellent Ofsted Report for Western Primary | Harrogate Informer

Excellent Ofsted Report for Western Primary

21 July 2011

Western Primary School on Cold Bath Road in Harrogate has received an excellent Ofsted inspection report for the second time under the headship of Cheryl Smith.

The new report deems Western as a good school that has equality of opportunity at the heart of its work, living up to its aim of ‘Creating Success Stories’ for pupils of all abilities, and ensuring they acquire key skills to ensure ‘Effective Learning Forever’.

The report states that attainment has risen year-on-year since the last inspection, and that although children generally start Western’s nursery with attainment typical for their age, they make good progress throughout school, and by the end of Year 6, attainment is above average overall. The inspectors agreed that the school’s leaders have successfully created a school that embraces all learners and has a number of outstanding features that allow them to thrive. Comments include that as a consequence of the good, and often outstanding, provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral and social development, pupils make great strides in their personal growth.’

The report can be read in its entirety on the Western Primary website www.western.n-yorks.sch.uk or at www.ofsted.gov.uk


Pip Baxter (Maggie), Will Bevitt (Arthur), Millie Ward & Harry Clutterbuck (other dancers)

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