Police app for national award

1 July 2011

North Yorkshire Police has received national recognition for its innovative smartphone web app.

NYP mobile, designed by the force’s web officer Tom Stirling, was the first police mobile app to be launched in the UK and has now been shortlisted for the Good Communicator Awards 2011.

The awards ceremony at the Emirates Stadium, London, on 14 July, will see North Yorkshire Police go head-to-head with Kent County Council, DirectGov, Aylesbury Vale District Council and Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council for the Mobile Technology Award.

NYP mobile was launched in March 2011, at no cost to the force, allowing members of the public quick and easy access to wide range of information about North Yorkshire Police.

Since the launch, NYP mobile has been accessed more than 5,000 times by people looking for the latest news, detailed crime data, witness appeals, details about their local Safer Neighbourhood Team and crime prevention advice.

Tom is planning to add more features to the app to enhance the public’s ability to communicate with the police.

He said: “”We are delighted that our innovative work has been recognised at a national level.

“More and more people are using mobile phones to access services, and our app allows anyone in York and North Yorkshire to find out about their local police at the touch of a button.

“We plan to build on the success of NYP mobile by adding new features and information, while keeping the app entirely free to use.”

The web app can be accessed using smart phones such as the iPhone or handsets with Android capability such as HTC devices or the Samsung Galaxy. It can also be accessed using an iPad or iPod touch.

To download NYP mobile, go to www.nyp.mobi




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