Comprehensive Spending Review announced:
Operational restructure of North Yorkshire Police launched by Chief Constable
Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell has today (Monday 21 March 2011) formally launched an operational restructure of North Yorkshire Police as part of the response to massive Government funding cuts.
As widely publicised, North Yorkshire Police has to find a way of doing “the same with less” due to a dramatic cut in police funding by the Home Office following the Comprehensive Spending Review in October 2010
Savings of £8.9m have been identified in the next financial year, with the overall budget for 2011/12 set at £140.5m. The funding gap by 2014/15 is estimated to be about £24m.
To achieve these substantial savings while protecting front-line policing, Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell has overseen a major review and operational restructure of the organisation which carries on from the existing efficiency and effectiveness drive during his four-year tenure.
Mr Maxwell said: “North Yorkshire Police is committed to providing a police service in which the public has trust, confidence and satisfaction. Despite significant financial cutbacks we will continue to provide a service that is accountable to our local communities and which is responsive to their needs, and one that is relentless in its approach to reducing crime and increasing the safety of our citizens.
“Our delivery structure over the past few years has proven very successful; you only have to look at the 22% overall reduction in crime and consistently low levels of anti-social behaviour since 2007. However, as most residents will be aware, we have to keep up the fight against crime with fewer resources.”
To meet this challenge, a new single Basic Command Unit (BCU) under the Command of Assistant Chief Constable Tim Madgwick has been designed to streamline operational delivery. This replaces the three separate BCU system that was disbanded last year. A revised shift system will underpin the new operational structure.
Underneath the existing six Safer Neighbourhood Commands (SNC) of York, Selby, Scarborough & Ryedale, Craven, Harrogate and Hambleton & Richmondshire, there will be 20 Inspector-led Safer Neighbourhood Areas (SNA). This includes two new SNAs, one in Harrogate (Harrogate Outer) and another in York (York Rural).
The SNC Commanders are unchanged: Scarborough & Malton, Superintendent Javad Ali; Richmondshire & Hambleton, Superintendent Amanda Oliver; Harrogate, Superintendent Ken McIntosh; York, Superintendent Lisa Winward; Craven, Chief Inspector Barry Smith; Selby, Chief Inspector Richard Anderson.
Mr Maxwell said: “Under the new operational structure and shift system, the concept of separate Response and Safer Neighbourhood Teams will no longer exist. Safer Neighbourhood Area Inspectors will be responsible for policing in their geographical area, with resources targeted according to demand and the priorities set by the local community. Specialist investigative and operational resources such as CID, intelligence, firearms support and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) can also be deployed to assist local operations.
“We are also introducing Beat Managers within each of the Safer Neigbourhood Areas. Beat Manager will be assisted by geographic patrol officers and PCSOs, and will be responsible for delivering a responsive and problem-solving service for the Safer Neighbourhood Area as the public face of the local policing team. The Beat Managers will be responsible for liaising with partners and supporting the Safer Neighbourhood Area Inspector with partnership and public meetings.
“Officers will be dedicated to what is happening in their area for the majority of their time, but, if required, they will assist with certain incidents in adjacent SNAs.
“Local and flexible – that is the philosophy behind the restructure and new ways of working.“
For further details about the operational restructure please go to North Yorkshire Police website www.northyorkshire.police.uk