Further arrest and evidence recovered as police enquiries continue

Detectives investigating the attempted murder of Dominic Conlan have made a further arrest and recovered a vital piece of evidence they have been looking for.
Over the weekend, officers arrested a 21-year-old man from York in connection with the incident, on 8 January 2011, which left 56-year-old Mr Conlan fighting for his life.
The man has been questioned by police and released on bail as enquiries continue.
Police have now arrested 12 people as they seek to establish how Mr Conlan received his potentially life-changing injuries.
Officers have also recovered a black Dell laptop computer which was stolen from Mr Conlan’s flat on the night he was attacked.
Mr Conlan’s condition has improved slightly, however he remains in Leeds General Infirmary and is still unable to communicate with police.
Detective Inspector Adrian Gathercole, of York CID, said: “We continue to make every effort to establish what happened to Dominic Conlan, who is still unable to speak to us and tell us who attacked him in his own flat.
“As a result of previous appeals we have received some good information which has led to the recovery of the laptop computer stolen from Mr Conlan’s home.
“It is clear that a number of people were present at Mr Conlan’s home on the night he was assaulted and that his attacker came from within that group.
“We still need to establish exactly who was responsible for inflicting his horrific injuries and I am urging anyone who has any information that can help us, to get in touch with the police as soon as possible.
“In particular if you have spoken to anyone who you believe was present at the time, or has mentioned the attack to you, then I would like to hear from you.”
Anyone with any information that could help the police with their enquiries is urged to contact York CID, on 0845 60 60 24 7, quoting reference number 1210003728.
Dominic Conlan was seriously injured when he was attacked in his own flat, on March Street, York, in the early hours of Saturday 8 January 2011.
Mr Conlan has been in a serious condition in Leeds General Infirmary since the attack, during which he sustained head injuries consistent with an implement being used.
Since the incident police have arrested 12 people and along with Mr Conlan’s family have made numerous appeals for information.
Officers are still trying to locate a white and green tracksuit which they believe was worn by a someone involved in the attempted murder of Mr Conlan and later discarded.