Swapping the Woolpack for Woodland!

30 July 2024

On Friday, 26 July 2024, a team of ITV Emmerdale employees headed to Gair Wood on the outskirts of Leeds to help maintain a new plantation of 60,000 trees. This effort fulfils a pledge made in May to give back to the local environment in celebration of the programme’s 10,000th episode.

Emmerdale actors and production team members traded their work attire for gardening gloves and boots to assist the University of Leeds with weed control and general tree maintenance across their 36 hectare site.

Gair Wood is part of the White Rose Forest community forest project for North and West Yorkshire. Located adjacent to Golden Acre Park and a stone’s throw from the Emmerdale Village site, this new woodland has been planted to take up carbon and boost biodiversity. It creates an ecosystem corridor linking Golden Acre Park, Eccup Reservoir, and ultimately Harewood Estate. The site also serves as a living laboratory, capturing data on the impacts of tree planting as a nature-based solution to climate change.


Head of Emmerdale Production, Nader Mabadi, explains:

Nurturing these trees in their crucial first five years is vital. At Emmerdale, our Green Team — comprising representatives from various departments including Wardrobe, Cameras, Make-Up, and Sound, as well as cast members — meets monthly to integrate sustainability into our storylines and on-set practices. From eradicating single-use cups to installing low-energy set lighting, we’re constantly seeking ways to reduce our environmental impact. These volunteer days are part of ITV’s broader commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, allowing us to make a tangible difference beyond the studio.


LEAF Director & Associate Professor – Dr Cat Scott said:

We’re thrilled that the Emmerdale team have come to join us to maintain trees at Gair Wood. Looking after the trees once they are in the ground is just as important as planting them if we want to establish bio diverse and resilient woodlands. With the help of the Emmerdale team and our other dedicated volunteers we’re confident Gair Wood can grow into an important site for scientific research and the community.


See: https://leaf.leeds.ac.uk/gairwood/ 

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