Plans have been unveiled for a new, small-scale housing development in the Nidderdale village of Dacre Banks.
Situated to the west of the B6451, off Cabin Lane, the 30 properties – including a proportion of affordable homes – are to be designed and laid out to complement nearby existing buildings.
And the family looking to develop the site, known locally as The Old Cricket Field, are hoping to utilise the skills and services of local tradesmen and women in a bid to support the economy of the area.
The plans for “The Willows” were unveiled at a public exhibition held at the weekend in the Royal Oak Inn, which saw more than 70 local residents and parish councillors, examine the blueprints and speak to members of the Emsley family, who have owned the land for more than 65 years.

Michael Emsley said:
Before we submit our application we wanted to consult with as many people as possible, ensuring what goes before planners best suits the wishes of the local community.
For those unable to attend, we have set up a website inviting comments. We are also asking local business owners and tradesmen and women to contact us, so we can create a database of products, people and services, which will allow us to draw upon the pool of local suppliers and home-grown talent if we are given permission.
Over the last few years a number of applications have been submitted for this plot of land, and each time they have been approved. These included a medical centre, sheltered housing complex, an elderly persons’ home, and a 23-house development together with a proposed English industrial estate.
It is my intention to live in one of the properties, so I’m as keen as anyone that it is not out of place with its surroundings.
Mr Emsley added he had considered all the comments and is reporting back to those who had made them. Then he would then be in a position to submit his application to Harrogate Borough Council.
Further details about the willows can be found at:
I would be interested in purchasing property on willows development Dacre Banks my familey are all from Nidderdale my mother lives in Dacre Banks ,it is my hope that there will be a mix of properties some affordable homes